Wednesday, March 3, 2010

tv and pizza

A co-worker, visiting our home for the first time remarked that she loved that we didn't have a television. "Oh," I said. "We do, you just haven't noticed it yet." She looked around the room until I pointed at a thin metal cover over our front window. "That's the screen" I said. Then I pointed to the ceiling at the back of the room and said, "that's the projector." So, not only do we have cable television, we watch it on a fourteen foot screen.

Now, I love the idea of a no TV house. I don't care at all about sit coms, and I get totally sucked in to reality TV and that's just embarrassing. My husband loves football and golf and is proud to mention that our set up allows for the best seat in the house, all the time.

My husband put the whole thing together with buys on ebay and he built the wall mount and we ran the wires through the house ourselves. We did this for less than 600 dollars. The picture is superior to LCD and Plasma, it's absolutely the way to go. The downside is that you can't really watch during the daylight hours without blacking out the house. But this is also a perk. I don't want to black out the house, so we don't watch TV in the daylight. The cable is, however, hooked up to the stereo so I can listen to TV if we want and we make good use of those cable music channels. I have found a kids show that I like and for 25 minutes a day, Joaquin watches Yo Gabba Gabba while I get the house ready for night time nursing.

Is this wrong?
While he sits, contentedly, I get to eat. We make a veggie pizza superior to anything we can order.

We made this with;
I blob of whole wheat pizza dough from trader joe's
TJ's fresh pizza sauce
I bag of frozen artichokes, sauteed with chopped onion and garlic (below)
1 pound of asparagus, tough ends snapped off and steam whats left (the good part)
1 can of whole black olives, sliced
1 onion and 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
We use a pizza stone when we make pizza. I think I bought this at TJMaxx. It was probably ten dollars. Heat your stone in the oven while you preheat to 425. Make sure to take the dough out of the refrigerator at least two hours before you want to roll it. This makes it much easier. After you steam the asparagus, carefully cut the pieces in half lengthwise. When the oven is ready, prebake your dough for 10 minutes on the hot stone. I sprinkle flax seeds on the stone so the dough doesn't stick. This works beautifully! After your dough is prebaked, take it out of the oven (on the stone) and spread sauce and top with veggies, put the whole thing back in and bake for ten more minutes.

We make pizza often and in many different forms. Sometimes we make some sort of cheezy sauce, but not this time because I'm lazy.

So, even though we are strict vegetarians living a pretty hippie lifestyle, we still watch some tube and eat "junk food."

I think we're doin' okay.


  1. Awesome...I want to come watch reality TV at your house!

  2. That pizza looks like the chron diggady! I'm going to give it a try. Thanks for the recipe.

  3. I wanna watch movies at your house! I just tried to convince Danny to build a home theater in place of our tv, but he says he wants to watch movies during daylight....we'll have to address this again later, when we have time for debating luxuries.......maybe after we have hygienic floors. :-) Too lazy for cheesy sauce? hahah I'm too lazy for making the pizza! Your cooking wows me every time. I have a hard time getting past a bowl a quinoa with salad on top. Post more pics of JC! He looks like YOU with brown eyes! SOOOO CUTE! And I can of course see some J senior sprinkled in. xox

  4. everyone is invited for movies and pizza!
