Sunday, March 7, 2010

what's for breakfast?

We have a pretty regular morning routine around here. Dad gets up first and showers and gets ready for work. Joaquin wakes not long after and starts poking at me and hooting and cooing until I agree to open my eyes. We sit up and spend a few minutes saying our "good mornings", singing to the cats and thinking about breakfast. We get up, make the bed and head out to the living room to great the day. The living room blinds go up and the room fills with sunlight.

"Hello World," I yell. "I'm Joaquin!!!" My baby shake his hands in his excited baby way as we sit on the floor and take out toys. While Joaquin clanks his Duplos, I make breakfast.

Most days we have a green smoothie, but sometimes I just feel smoothied out. Today we opted for cut fruit and muesli. I bought a cute little section plate at target for 2.99 and it's exactly the right size for my guy. He has never really been into the smooth puree baby foods we all envision our little ones eating. He likes smooth pears and bananas and sometimes butternut squash, but mostly he loves finger foods.

Here you see a tasty assortment of thinly sliced apple, cut up banana, freeze dried blueberries, and cubed brown rice bread drizzled with flax oil.

Feeding Joaquin an assortment of fresh fruits leaves me with many leftovers. It's perfect because I loooove me a little Green Tea Muesli

Green Tea Muesli
Some uncooked oats
A little oat bran
Sliced Banana
cubes of apple
flax meal
a little maple syrup
pour some hot Jasmine green tea over your mixture

This is an addictive breakfast and is oh so satisfying. The combos are limitless and you can use whatever tea you want, even an herbal blend if you are avoiding caffeine.

Having breakfast together is fun and sets us up for a full day in the almost spring sun. We still wear wool hats and have added some stylish shades.

Taking our number five plastics to Whole Foods for recycling!


  1. I love this little peek into your morning! I've never eaten uncooked oats- I'm a steel cut oats girl and they take awhile to cook- what oats do you use, just regular rolled oats?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. yep, plain rolled oats. steel cut is delicious too!

  4. Your are definitely an awesome mom. Little Joaquin may grow up to be the next Jack Lalanne!
