Saturday, January 9, 2010

snow day where have you gone?

Oh, the long days are so short right now. Each morning when I get up, the day seems wide open. I think about baking bread, going to the library, taking long walks, watching movies, finishing the afghan, getting the house sparkling many things to do! But the sun sets around five, then dinner needs to be prepared and Joaquin starts giving me the sleepy eye, rubs his ears in the tell tale way, and communicates in baby ESP that he wants his pajamas.

It has been snowing for about three days. I don't mind snow, but I'm wary of the ice, and the wind is no picnic either. Yesterday, we didn't even go outside. I decided today at about 4pm that enough is enough, so I bundled us up and went for a walk. Today's low is -3.
Two hearts, one coat.

We only lasted about 10 minutes because the wind was blowing on my face and I just couldn't take it. We walked back home and put a bunch of fresh tracks through the backyard. It was fun to be able to see the tracks made by critters. They seem to be really enjoying our compost pile:)

Being stuck inside isn't so bad. I actually start looking forward to it sometime around August. It's nice not to have the "pressure" to go outside and make the most of the weather. Now that I have an 8 month old, we can hang out in the living room and play with toys.

I have been knitting for almost 10 years now. My best friend taught me the basics and I love to make hats. I taught myself how to crochet about two years ago and lately I am absolutely obsessed with the granny square. I am making my first afghan. I am not much of a pattern follower and you have to follow a pattern to make a granny square, at least a beginner like me has to. With all the pattern following and repetition, my crochet skill set is really coming along!

7 squares done, only about 49 to go! I know the blocks look a little wonky, but I will block them and get it all straightened out before hand stitching it together. I really like the idea of making afghans and I have some big ideas about what to make next.
I read that next to reading, arts and crafts are the best thing to do with kids. Joaquin and I read about 4 books a day, and he doesn't mind a little craft action at all!

Is 8 months to young to crochet?

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