Ohhhh. I am so tired. Joaquin is still only sleeping in two hour spurts and he's nursing while he sleeps. I haven't slept in a truly comfortable position for about four months. I am anxiously awaiting the day when he just magically sleeps through the night. Or am I? On the nights when he has let me sleep for a couple of hours before I bring him into my bed I find that I miss him. I don't really like him sleeping in the other room. I guess I just wish he would sleep next to me, on his back, without nursing and pulling on my nipples. That would be nice.
I try to tell myself to just try and enjoy it, that I will miss it when he doesn't nurse anymore, but it sure is hard work.
Yesterday, for the first time ever, Joaquin didn't poop. I've heard of babies not pooping for days and then blowing out their diapers in a scary way, but he has pooped three to six times a day since birth. This morning he woke up at about five thrity tossing and fussing and when I picked him up and brought him out to the living room, he took the biggest dump of his life. Seriously. I must also mention that he has a new habit of grabbing his penis everytime I take off his diaper so I have to be quick and clean so he doesn't end up with a handful of doodie. Oh man. After the giant poop he went back to sleep, while nursing, until about eight thirty, and I half-slept next to him.
I still see myself exercising and getting into the best shape of my life, but when? I guess I could be doing it now, but I really want to see this blog evolve. I want to write darnit.
I love everyone.
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