Joaquin held his crochet hook while I showed Lana the very basics of knitting. We took lots of breaks from knitting to read stories and eat pears and nurse. I think it's very important to teach hand crafts, pass them down to whoever wants to learn. For free. With a joyful spirit. Yep, that's what I think.
After knitting class Lana left to finish out her day and we made smoothies. Joaquin drank it with a straw.
Baby smoothie
Frozen blueberries
little bit of frozen pineapple
Pour a little bit in a glass and let baby sip with a glass straw. Mom drinks the rest.
Last night, Justin and I enjoyed a nice dinner served on vintage cafeteria trays that I purchased on ebay. This purchase was directly inspired by the greenandcrunchy blog, and her awesome section plates. Check it out!
I made some basil potatoes with the local potatoes I bought from the winter market. I like to make big batches of stuff so we have leftovers. Basil potatoes are perfect for that because they are great for dinner, breakfast, snack, with nutritional yeast get the picture.
Basil Potatoes
7 cloves of garlic, chopped
3 onions, chopped
9 medium potatoes, cut into chunks and boiled until tender
1/2 bag of Trader Joe's melange a trois (or two bell peppers cut into strips)
2T. dried basil
Good shake of Trocomare
1 tsp asafoetida
salt to taste
What is Trocomare and asafoetida? Trocomare is a seasoning blend with salt and herbs that you can find in most health food stores. I like it a lot. Asafoetida is a spice you can find in Indian markets. It takes the place of garlic or onion powder in recipes and is delicious. A little goes a long way!
Saute the garlic and onion in oil until translucent. Add peppers and saute until onions begin to carmalize. Drain and add potatoes and basil and asafoetida. Season with Trocomare, salt and pepper. So good.
The beauty of using section plates lies in filling them. I had only planned to make potatoes and green beans for dinner, but in order to fill our plates I washed what was left of the living lettuce with and added leftover dressing, grabbed some pressure cooked soybeans we had in the frige, and cut up an orange. A feast!
After steaming the green beans I tossed them in a little bit of earth balance, sprinkled on some chopped almonds and seasoned with salt and pepper. Joaquin could not keep his little hands off of these. I decided to let him hold one and he nibbled delicately while squeezing whole-heartedly. He's so cute.