Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Joaquin and I were looking forward to a visit from one of my fellow awesome moms and her beauty, Millie. Joaquin absolutely lights up when he sees them. The plan is to get crafty together, but mostly I enjoy staring at the little ones and trippin' out on babies interacting. It is so nice to have a mommy pal in town. Jess is crafty, likes to cook and is whip smart. She told me she was bringing over some vegan tapioca pudding which is totally crazy because there is probably not much else in the world I want other than vegan tapioca pudding!
But this story goes south quickly, because little Millie was not about nap time today, and Jess found her nerves frazzeled.
So, I cleaned the house for nothing.
At least it's done, and I get to prance around in house beautiful for 24 hours.
Joaquin and I took the opportunity to go on a nice sunny walk. It was only 29 out, but the sun was shining. Yesterday was our first snow walk. It was only flurries, but they were cold little flurries.
As far as today's grub, we've been on a raw kick. Awesome dad wants to feel better and he agreed that some raw goods might do the trick. I made Black Seasame Flax Bread in the dehydrator, an Almond and sunflower pate and a chocolate mousse cake. Mmmmmm! I have veggies marinating now for stir un-fry. I have an eggplant in the oven because I didn't know what else to do with it. I am still eating cooked foods because I am breastfeeding and am not ready to go raw yet. But I love raw foods. Love them. So delicious.

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