Thursday, December 17, 2009

rough spots

The hardest thing about being an awesome mom is that sometimes you just don't feel that awesome. I had one of those days today. It actually started last night. I went to bed too late in order to get some adult talk time with my husband. He left work at 10pm, so we ended up chatting until almost midnight. I need/crave his companionship/friendship but I need my sleep too.
Joaquin goes to bed around 7 every night, which rocks. But that also means that he is bright eyed and ready to go at 7 in the morning. Maybe me getting to sleep from 12 to 7 doesn't sound that bad, but it is, because Joaquin sleeps with us. He doesn't go to bed in our bed. He goes to bed in his crib and wakes up around 1am and I bring him in with us and he pretty much nurses the rest of the night. Seriously. I will doze in and out of consciousness but every time I wake there is a rhythmic nurse nurse nurse about every 15 seconds. I guess it's a highly pleasurable experience for a baby to comfort nurse like that. I have to be very strategic about breaking him off or he wakes and cries and you guessed it, wants to nurse. I stand by my decision to co-sleep, but like I said, I need my beauty rest. My awesome rest.
So today I woke up crabby, and Joaquin had boundless energy. I felt like I should've been bundling us both up to go for an invigorating walk when instead I was drinking caffeinated tea and praying that he would take an early nap. Do you know what babies do when you pray for an early nap? Yep! They don't take a nap that day, at all.
We took a trip to the thrift store and took a nice walk through the neighborhood, but all day I felt groggy and grumpy and I never took a shower and in the end it just kind of makes me feel sorry for Joaquin.
In other words, I need to go to bed. Now.

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