Saturday, December 19, 2009


Today I made some raw cornbread in the dehydrator. I have a nine tray Excalibur that my husband bought for me two years ago. I really only just started using it. To be honest, I was kind of intimidated by it. I thought that I was really putting myself out there, as a raw foodist, just by having one. I am still far from it.
I think the key to dehydrating is just to chill, be patient and let it do it's thing. The nice thing about raw foods, breads and such, is that they are ready to eat every step of the way. You can eat the batter, or you can wait til it's a cracker. It's up to you.
We spread some guacamole between slices of the bread. I put some rosemary in the guac and it complimented the cornbread nicely. The bread recipe went something like this. It's an adaptation of the recipe by Elaina Love.
2 cups of soaked almonds
2 cups of dry cashews
10oz of frozen organic corn
1 1/4 cup of Brazil nuts
1tsp salt
1/4 cup maple syrup
2 cloves garlic
1 1/4 cup flax seed.

put flax in blender and blend to a powder then put it in a bowl. put the almonds in the blender and add water to cover, blend to a cream. Put it in the bowl with the flax. Do the same to the cashews. Add it to the bowl. Blend corn, Brazil nuts, salt, syrup, and garlic until somewhat smooth. Add to blended nuts and add flax. Stir very well making sure there are no clumps of flax. Let rest for a half hour. Spread on two dehydrator sheets. Dehydrate at 105 for 3 hours. Flip on to mesh sheets and dry for 4 hours more. Pull off trays and cut each bread into 8 pieces.

I also made a super fast candy bar. I melted some coconut butter and cacao butter and added agave, cacao powder, raisins, goji berries, walnuts, and coconut. I poured it into n eight inch baking pan and set it in the freezer for 15 minutes. MMMMM!

Joaquin and I took a snow walk under an umbrella. I had him in a crocheted hat I made for him last summer because I couldn't find his wool winter hat. I hope I didn't lose another one of his hats. I'll be so bummed. I had to wrap my cowl around his head halfway through because I thought he'd get too cold. He stayed snug.
38 degrees really isn't that cold. It seems like we are the only ones in the neighborhood these days going for walks. It would be cool if lots of people were out like they are in summer. Or maybe not. Maybe it's cool that it's just us. Sometimes I feel like this is a very lonely planet even though I hear it's overpopulated. Strange.

I still need to buy a swim diaper for our lessons that start in January. I am really, really looking forward to it. I hope he loves it, he loves taking a bath. Splish-splash.

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