One of my all time best buds,
Heather, is about to have her first baby. It kills me that we don't live closer. She has asked me for a list of what she
really needs before the baby arrives. I believe she is going to have a shower, which means she's about to end up with a whole lot of baby goodness. I keep encouraging her to register for gifts, so she can get what she wants.
I didn't have a baby shower. When I was pregnant I worked a ton and when I thought of something I needed, I just bought it. Most of the purchases turned out to be good ones, but some I really could have done without. Every baby is different, so this post is just essentials and you can fill in the blanks according to your babies personality.
Cloth diapers.I use a combination of
Bum Genius one size pocket diapers and prefolds with a
whisper wrap. Have twenty diapers on hand to start. The one size pocket diapers are nice because they fit from 8-35 pounds! Diapers have come a long way since I watched my mom diaper my siblings. These days diapers are no pins required, which is awesome. Most are in the same shape and style of disposables and are cute to boot! I wash mine with
Charlie's soap and air dry.
Sling.I have tried out 5 different baby wearing apparatuses. The ones that worked for me are a sling from
gorgeous baby and an
ergo carrier. Both work from infant to toddler. You just change the way you wear them. These days, my baby weighs 25 pounds and I can still carry him for 5 miles in the ergo.
Foam pad for baths.I originally thought I would buy a baby bath tub. My mother in law brought over this inexpensive blue foam frog shaped cushion that you put in the tub for the baby to lay on. You squeeze warm water into it first to make sure the baby has a nice warm spot to enjoy his tub. These are awesome and can be washed in the washing machine.
Carseat and Stroller Combo.We have the
Chicco Key Fit car seat/stroller and it is awesome! My big boy outgrew the car seat by six months, but while he was still a little guy the seat clicks into a base in the car and clicks into the stroller, facing mom, for long strolls. Now, I'm primarily a baby wearer, but this stroller allowed me to take Joaquin on 8 to 10 mile walks on the trail. He would look up at the trees and take long naps. It was a peaceful time and walking is AMAZING exercise for new mommies.
Clothes.Resist the urge to buy a ton of baby clothes, you have no idea how big your baby will be and how fast he will grow. For example, Joaquin was wearing size 12mo. when he was four months old. All of the 0-3 month stuff I bought fit him for about a week. Seriously. Also, keep in mind that most baby clothes are made for babies in disposable diapers. The cloth ones will add quite a bit of girth to the caboose, so you will most likely be in bigger sizes than age anyhow. You might want to buy a couple of new outfits, and that's cool. People are going to buy clothes for your baby, too. Like I said, I didn't have a shower, but ended up with TONS of new baby clothes from co-workers, friends and family.
Nowadays, I buy all of my babies clothes from the thrift store. The thrift stores are FULL of baby stuff. Trust me. Some of it is brand new. For example, just last week I bought Joaquin 9 brand new beanie babies for .99 cents each. He also got 2 sweaters (one brand new, with tags) two pairs of stride rite boots, two pairs of pants, three t-shirts, and two sweatshirts. For all of this, including the toys and a book, I spent less than 30 dollars.
Socks.I bought lots of warm socks, new. Joaquin is almost 11 months and he just started wearing shoes, sometimes. Socks will do you for a long while. Don't waste your money on adorable (expensive) little moccasins with guitars on them. Trust me.
Babies are bald and need hats. I make my own and love doing it. If you can't make hats, learn, or buy one from
me (tee hee). You should have a few thin hats, a couple beanies, a sun hat for good weather, and something with a nice brim to keep the sun out of those sensitive eyes.

Bassinet.Our baby sleeps with us and has since he was four months old. Prior to that we had him in a small bassinet, next to the bed, that a
friend gave us. It had plastic wheels, but my husband replaced those with some big rubber ones so I could wheel him into the kitchen while I made dinner. With our next baby, we will probably skip the bassinet altogether and just go full on
family bed style. Now that I am comfortable with it, it seems like a no-brainer, the easiest thing in the world. I've seen and heard people talk about a co-sleeper that connects to the edge of the bed keeping you within arms reach of the baby. My question is...what's the point? The best part about sleeping with a baby is that you can nurse without having to move or readjust. Why would you want to have to get up and pick the baby out of a co-sleeper. No thanks.
Floor blankie.We sit on the floor everyday and have since he was born. A nice blanket is great for tummy time, toys, hanging out while folding laundry.... If you can't vacuum every five seconds you will probably want a nice blanket for the floor. I was lucky enough to have someone make one for me. Awesome!

So, this completes my list and advice for what you should have on hand, pre-baby. Notice I did not include a crib, a changing table, or a diaper bag. We bought a crib, and stressed to get his room ready and pretty much have never been in there since. Oh well.
I realize that some of my essentials are expensive. Check ebay and craigslist. We bought our Chicco KeyFit carseat/ stroller system, brand new on ebay for 150 dollars.
Keep an open mind, you are about to get blown away! Be ready to love, love, love that new little person.