Wednesday, April 7, 2010

the sun is the bomb

When I bought cloth diapers last year, the mantra of the diaper peddlers seemed to be "don't use bleach, don't use bleach."
It was suggested that plenty of rinsing and use of vinegar would keep my baby smelling sweet. After Joaquin was born, my husband hung a clothesline for me and I let his diapers dry in the sun. He didn't get diaper rash and he always smelled perfect. When winter approached, the line came down and I had to throw those diaps in the dryer. I think it was probably five washes before "Peeee-U!"
My boy's butt smelled like a sewer after about an hour of wear. I started running three or four washing cycles on every batch of diapers and they STILL STUNK. I finally read through the bum genius website and they actually recommend using small amounts of bleach when needed. I started to use a cap full every other wash and they smelled much better. I looked forward to the return of the clothesline.
Did you know that the sun is an awesome natural stain fighter and disinfectant? How did I live 30+ years and not know that? Not only does the sun leave our cloth diapers smelling absolutely fresh, it bleaches them out to their whitest white! This is one of those simple things that leaves me believing that there is an order to everything and life is awesome.
I'm kind of a dork.The return of the sun and the clothesline. I love you April.

Days in the sun mean days at the park. Indy has some awesome parks. We met our friends, Jess and Millie, for some squirrel chasing at Holliday Park. This is one of my all-time favorite city spots. In fact, my first visit to this park marks a turning point where I decided that living in Indiana is awesome and I'll never dis' it again. Hey, that's me!

This is a statue at the park. I snapped this photo with my iphone using the hipstamatic app. I love this app! It gives your shots a neat old school look, totally worth a dollar ninety-nine.

Here at home our trees are blossoming, my little pots of veggie seeds are sprouting, and our cats are spending the evenings terrorizing the neighborhood. I love Indy in the springtime.


  1. Sounds like spring! I love the photo of the laundry on the line!

  2. Isn't the sun awesome!!! Oh...just a quick note for when that clothes line has to come down again. Use peroxide instead of bleach.

    I make my own laundry detergent, but when my pups have an accident the detergent alone doesn't cut it. I use 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of peroxide depending on the load size. Wash it with the peroxide only, then wash again on the quick cycle with your laundry soap (I use white vinegar as a fabric softener). They come out sweet and fresh

  3. Thanks for the peroxide tip. Do you use a certain type? Can you use what they offer at the drug store? I'd love to go bleach free.
