Sunday, February 28, 2010


On our walk to the library today, I noticed the tiniest of buds on some of the trees and bushes. A sigh of relief eeked it's way out of my chest. This winter just might have an end after all. Tomorrow is the first day of March. I love March. March has always brought hope. When I was a kid it meant that the end of the school year wasn't too far off, and I could start to wear shorts again. I love the fact that we will soon "spring forward" and it will get darker later. Last year at this time I was getting BIG, with Barney feet and a fat face. I was excited to meet my baby.

It's almost Joaquin's first birthday. I can't believe it. Things are really starting to click for us as a family and I feel like I am starting to understand what kind of a mother I am. It's a trip, I'm not really who I thought I'd be! Turns out, I'm pretty alternative when it comes to parenting. I breast feed in public, I wear my baby in the snow, we sleep in a family bed, and don't tell anyone, but I secretly think Joaquin can read.

I still have no idea how one can manage more than one kid.

When I found out I was pregnant I immediately saw myself as joining the mommy club. I thought I would meet a bunch of moms and even if we didn't have much in common, we would all hang out and take our babies to the stroller matinee at the arts theater. I haven't been to the arts theater once, and I haven't made any mommy friends that I didn't already know. I have found ways to be my normal, anti-social self while allowing Joaquin to socialize a bit. It's all about the library. You have to be quiet and your kids can play in the children's area. I sit in a group with other moms and sing songs and listen at baby story time. The library is the bomb. Other low key mom/baby hang outs are; the YMCA, where I can take my boy for a swim. Used book stores, which is a lot like the library but for a small fee you don't have to give the books back. The goodwill, where treasures abound. And last but not least, the great outdoors, where moms and babies find piece of mind.

I've been thinking a lot about goals. Mostly, I've been thinking about how much mine have changed! I still have ambition but it is nothing like what I dreamed of pre-mama. The things I want now, not to be cheesy, are more like peace on earth instead of ruling the earth. Crazy. Most of my goals are very simple, like, "keep the house clean enough so there is one day a week that I don't really have to do a ton of chores" and "write blog." The bigger goals are about reading more and learning things more thoroughly, and becoming more self sufficient with stuff like food and clothing.
It's so bizarre, bearing a human has turned me into one.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


We have been stuck in the house all day. The Midwest is being hit with a double whammy of nasty storms. My baby and I stayed inside and made almond butter, played with Lego's, and hung out with the cats. We might be stuck inside tomorrow too! I yearn for spring.

Even though the weather is cold, we still love our salad. I am such a fan of the humongous bowl of leafy greens. This style of salad is what my family ate when I was a little girl. Each night, my mom would hand my dad the big yellow Tupperware bowl and he would go out into the garden and pick the salad. We would have arugula, watercress, and baby mustard greens. And this was the early eighties! Forget Alice Waters, my dad is a culinary pioneer. These salads required a leisurely pace at the dinner table and kept us healthy. I could even distinguish these happy family times as "the salad years."

It's cold in Indy, so I am not out picking my own greens, but I don't let that stop me.

I like to buy organic head lettuce. It's cheaper than the bagged stuff and lasts a lot longer.
Big Bowl o Salad
two heads of read leaf lettuce
about a cup of leftover lentils
can of black olives
about 10 green olives, sliced
3 shredded carrots
5 sliced radishes
Awesome Cumin-Vinaigrette from Vive la Vegan

They say that the Superbowl is the second biggest eating day next to Thanksgiving. Isn't that nuts? I guess I don't find it too hard to believe because each year we make something special for the game. Last year we made Tempeh Hot Wings and they were awesome. In fact, we made them several times after and they almost became the centerpiece of our Thanksgiving meal. This recipe rocks. It is a tad labor intensive, but worth it.

This year, my husband was all about gyros, in fact he left this up on my computer for me to look over before he went to work. This recipe is easy and delicious. We had our Superbowl feast, and fell asleep before we could see the Colt's lose.

Monday, February 1, 2010

and...we're back!

When babies pass gas, it's adorable. Even if it's loud, it doesn't stink and you can feel confident that all is right in baby digestion land. Which is why I was shocked, a few nights ago, when Joaquin tooted and it smelled...awful! It was almost bedtime and there was a toot and then a poop and when I changed his diaper is took everything I had not to yell out "PEEEE-UUUUU!!!" I felt saddend by what seemed to be the end of sweet smelling breastfed baby poops, and the beginning of solid food eatin' toddler turds.

We went to bed side by side. At one a.m. I felt my baby stir and when I went to feed him, he lifted his little head and threw up all over the bed. Whoa, I thought, maybe I shouldn't have tried that breastfeeding support tea, I've stuffed the little guy! After changing him and throwing towels on the wet spot, we settled into nursing and fell back asleep. A half hour later I felt him stir once again so I sat him up and he threw up all over the bed, all over me, and all over his pajamas. I woke my husband and told him that I thought something was wrong and that we might have to go to the hospital. Dad sat straight up, scooped up the baby and asked what I wanted him to do. I asked him to go to the store to buy a thermometer. He got dressed, and at two a.m., went to the drugstore and came home with the most expensive baby thermometer they had.

The baby didn't have a temperature and wanted to nurse so I let him. He fell asleep in my lap as I sat up, wide awake in the living room, stressed out of my mind. I would have to wait until 8:30 to talk to the pediatrician. After several calls to the office, I was assured that this was a stomach bug, there was nothing to do but live through it, and make sure he stay hydrated. Thus began the longest 3 days of my life.

Oh...a sick baby has to be one of the top 10 heartbreaking things to watch. As we danced slowly in the dark living room, his body limp, his cries definitely communicating "why", he said for the first time "mama." My heart burst in about 1,000,000 peices. I was once again reminded that I have never before loved quite this much.

This virus ran it's course and after a couple of days he started to show signs that he would be a happy giggly baby again. Today, we laughed, danced, went to swim class and changed several sweet smellin' breastfed baby diapers. We made it, and I am a thankful mama.

Just hours before the stinky toot!